Monday, February 2, 2009

It's been a while

So I thought I'd write a few words. There!

Naaa just kidding, I'll write a bit more... Here we go:

I've been thinking a lot about going home lately, since the day is getting nearer. This thought frightens me and at the same time it'll be great to see old friends and my family again.
It's hard to imagine that I've been here in Van-city for almost a year and a half, time flies when you're having fun (and apparently also when you're not having so much fun..).

On one hand I'd love to stay here for longer, but on the other I do want to get forward in my life and finish studying so I can work in a field that actually interests me. So maybe it is time to move on.

I could see myself living here in Vancouver, especially since I've made a lil home for myself here. Maybe I see things differently once I am back in home sweet home and get to experience all the fun times again. Maybe.

Lil about past few weeks:
I have started salsa lessons again in my community center and it's nicely located by the water so I can see the ocean and mountains from the window. It makes learning a bit difficult with those distractions. I still try to shake what my momma gave me with the rest of 'em. :)

Also I have gone back to climbing walls, that's what monkeys do best anyways. If I am not a monkey then I don't know who is (I could name a few, but I'll leave it for them to figure out on their own). I even went and bought climbing shoes and harness for myself, so this time it's super serial!! ;)

I've been going climbing with a local Meetup group, which can not even be compared to JD, but it's a good substitute and there's some nice people there to keep me hanging on the walls. I still think JD is the best idea EVER for meeting/having fun/doing sports/everything with other people. Wish they had something like that here too, but I think people here are too much into their own crowds and not into making new friends. Poo!

Nature here is great tho, I got to give her that. Vancouver is very beautiful and those mountains will be greatly missed when I return to the lovable ever so flat, Finland. Maybe those tens of thousands of lakes will make up for it..

Bugger, better get back to work before my boss notices I am writing this, even tho it's my coffee break..
Will write again soon, stay tuned.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas was here

Done with it for now. Didn't really feel like Christmas in the first place, being on the other side of the world without my family. I still had some good food and nice company, so all in all it was nice.
Santa was a bit cheap this year tho, I think it's must be the economy. ;)

On the 24th me and my Filipino friend Carmela were invited to a Christmas dinner at our Belgian friends place. We were accompanied by his Colombian roommate and his Canadian girlfriend He made some good lamb for dinner and then we played Taboo, which is a fun board game. Girls against guys and needless to say, girls won. (it's prolly cause guys suck and we should throw rocks at them). After playing we decided to go to a nice little gay bar to sing some karaoke. Ended up staying late and singing our lungs out.
On the way to after party I decided to get a piggyback ride from one of the people going there. It was super snowy and icy so he ended up falling and I ended up on my arse. Tailbone is still hurting and it's been a fricking week already! DANG!

On the 25th we went to another friends place in Kitsilano. They had a house filled with warmth, food, drinks and laughter. It was very international evening, with representation from all the corners of the earth. The owners were Nicole from Scotland and David from Colombia. Guests were from: Philippines, Finland, Belgium, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, Iran, Canada, Albania etc.. very international indeed. We had interesting multicultural conversations and very warm and welcoming atmosphere.

That's all for now about Christmas. Oh and it snowed shitloads in Vancouver, which is very unusual for this place. I quite enjoyed it.